Optimizing Intelligence Investigation in Preventing Motor Vehicle Theft in the Jurisdiction of Polres Brebes

  • Arie Praramadhana Akademi Kepolisian Republik Indonesia
Keywords: Penyelidikan intelijen Polres Brebes


The goal of this project is to improve intelligence gathering in the area under the control of the Brebes Police. The Brebes Police's jurisdiction is concerned with cases of criminal theft of motorized vehicles, hence this research's focus is crucial. This study intends to: (1) describe how intelligence investigations are used to prevent motor vehicle theft in the Brebes Police's purview; and (2) characterize the organizational resources of the Satintelkam of the Brebes Police in relation to such investigations. Management theory and SWOT analysis theory were the theories employed in this study. Whereas the ideas of optimization, information gathering, criminal prevention, and vehicle theft are used as the theoretical underpinnings. This study processed data using qualitative approaches, descriptive analysis, and field research (field research). The Brebes Police had jurisdiction over this research's conduct. The findings of this study are as follows: (1) The use of intelligence gathering to reduce motor vehicle theft in the Brebes jurisdiction. The use of police has not been fully utilized, and intelligence investigations have not been fully implemented in accordance with Perkabik No. 1 of 2013 concerning Intelligence Investigation. Examples include the use of incompletely implemented intelligence investigation techniques and tactics, the absence of routine, daily intelligence investigations to prevent motor vehicle theft, and the simultaneous assignment of tasks to members. (2) There are a number of organizational resource elements, including as man, method, materials, and machines, that have not been able to support the implementation of intelligence investigations in avoiding motor vehicle theft so that they are more effective. Money is not a barrier because there is enough of it to enable the execution of intelligence investigations. The conclusions of this final project, (1) The use of intelligence investigations to prevent motorized vehicle theft is in violation of Perkabik No. 1 of 2013 on Intelligence Investigations. (2) Organizational resources are still insufficient to fully support the implementation of intelligence investigations in the prevention of motor vehicle theft.


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How to Cite
Praramadhana, Arie. 2024. “Optimizing Intelligence Investigation in Preventing Motor Vehicle Theft in the Jurisdiction of Polres Brebes”. Advances in Police Science Research Journal 5 (8). https://doi.org/10.70526/apsrj.v5i8.1072.