Optimization of the Resmob Performance of the Satreskrim Unit at Malang City Police in Uncovering Motor Vehicle Theft

  • Muh. Ramadani Akademi Kepolisian Republik Indonesia
Keywords: Resmob Unit, Theft of motorised vehicles, and Malang City Police


This final assignment is motivated by the increasing criminal offence of theft of motorised vehicles in Malang City from year to year. Therefore, this study aims to describe what factors influence and how the efforts of the unit resmob unit rescrime in Malang City Police in preventing criminal acts of theft of motor vehicles and know the efforts used by the author in analysing these efforts through POAC management theory and its management elements (man, money, method, materials). Then for the concept used the concept of optimization, performance, motor vehicle theft, research and inquiry. Furthermore, this research was conducted with a qualitative approach and used the type of field research. The results of this study are optimizing performance of the resmob unit in preventing criminal acts of theft of motorised vehicles through investigation activities carried out using Perkabareskrim No. 1 of 2022 concerning Standard operational procedure for executing criminal investigation. The results of the research found by the author are the factors that influence the resmob unit in preventing criminal acts of theft of motorised vehicles from human resources, finance, methods, and facilities and infrastructure. Then how the efforts made by the resmob unit in preventing criminal acts of motor vehicle theft are through investigation activities carried out starting from planning, then organising through a picket schedule, then implementing and how to control it. For the conclusion that can be drawn that the performance made by the resmob unit in preventing criminal acts of theft of motorised vehicles are still not in accordance with what was planned and organised. The implementation of investigation in terms of following the route is still not appropriate and the picket schedule is still not followed properly. Then the advice given by the author is that in the implementation of investigation to follow Perkabarescrime No. 1 of 2022 and follow the plans, schedules, and routes that have been prepared and determined so that the prevention of criminal acts of motor vehicle theft can run well.


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How to Cite
Ramadani, Muh. 2024. “Optimization of the Resmob Performance of the Satreskrim Unit at Malang City Police in Uncovering Motor Vehicle Theft”. Advances in Police Science Research Journal 6 (12). https://doi.org/10.70526/apsrj.v6i12.1389.