The Role of the Intelligence Unit in the Early Detection of Motor Vehicle Theft Crimes

  • Imanuel Gandhi Akademi Kepolisian Republik Indonesia
Keywords: The Role of the Intelligence Unit in the Early Detection of Motor Vehicle Theft Crimes


The research aims to determine the role of intelligence units, factors that influence the role of intelligence units as well as to determine the efforts made by intelligence units. In this study, researchers used several methods, namely the Phenomenology method and the Basic Theory method and the approach used was a qualitative approach. The discussion here is the Role of Intelligence Unit in Early Detection is still less active because it only waits from network information, but also can not be said to be passive because many cases of Motor Theft in the city of Bandung are reduced, so the role of Intelligence units is participatory. Then, the inhibiting factors are human resources who lack technology and are constrained by age factors, the second is the issue of cost or budget that is not in accordance with the planned allocation and the last is the problem of weather and regional conditions such as high congestion. Meanwhile, the first supporting factor is the existence of human resources who still have high spirits at work, then the second is the mobility of the Police Station to the network area or sub-district which is close enough so that it does not become an obstacle and the third is the members who are easy to contact or communicate when a situation occurs emergency and most recently the Police Station Intelligence units network in Bandung. Efforts made by Police Station are 7 things, including: conducting a coordination meeting on policy, members of the Intelligence units digging information from the network, Preferred police activities as the latest program from the Police Chief Bandung, coordinating with integrated police service center or Bhayangkara fostering public order security regarding reports on the results of the leadership analysis to take policy, conducting a raising, by increasing the budget, registering prisoners' recidivists, and finally raising motorcycle gang leaders.


How to Cite
Gandhi, Imanuel. 2024. “The Role of the Intelligence Unit in the Early Detection of Motor Vehicle Theft Crimes”. Advances in Police Science Research Journal 1 (6).