Implementation of E-Tilang by Tasikmalaya Police in Law Enforcement to Achieve Traffic Safety and Security

  • Andry Risky Akademi Kepolisian Republik Indonesia
Keywords: Implementasi; E-Tilang; Penegakan Hukum; Kamseltibcarlantas


This research is motivated by the lack of awareness of the people of Tasikmalaya in orderly traffic, so that the impact has not been on the creation of security, safety, order and smooth traffic. The Republic of Indonesia National Police is making efforts to reform the technology-based public service system as an effort to enforce the law against traffic violations through the application of E-ticket. With the intention of reducing the number of violations and increasing public awareness in traffic. This research is focused on the implementation of the E-Tilang application by the Tasikmalaya Police Traffic Unit for law enforcement in the context of the creation of kamseltibcarlantas. Theories and concepts used are management theory, innovation diffusion theory, deterrent effect theory, the concept of traffic violations, and the concept of Good Governance. The study was conducted using a qualitative approach with the field research method. Data collection techniques used were interviews, observation, and document review, which were analyzed by data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of the E-Tilang application in Tasikmalaya Regional Police has been carried out managerially, the factors that influence the implementation of the E-Traffic include: innovation, communication channels, timeframe and social systems, both inhibiting and supporting. Therefore, the Tasikmalaya Regional Traffic Police Unit applies E-Traffic to create a deterrent effect for the community and is balanced with an increase in public services so that public awareness of orderly traffic can increase. From the results of the study it can be concluded that the application of E-ticketing at the Tasikmalaya Regional Police Station is still lacking so it is not yet effective and efficient. There are still obstacles related to the implementation and public understanding of the E-Traffic mechanism. The advice given is through increased socialization, improving internet network facilities, providing training to members of the Tasikmalaya Police Traffic Unit, and bridging the community in providing criticism and suggestions.


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How to Cite
Risky, Andry. 2024. “Implementation of E-Tilang by Tasikmalaya Police in Law Enforcement to Achieve Traffic Safety and Security”. Advances in Police Science Research Journal 1 (8).