Implementation of the Life360 Application as a Monitoring Tool for Patrols to Prevent Crime in the Cirebon City Police Jurisdiction

  • Kaisan Barizi Akademi Kepolisian Republik Indonesia
Keywords: Implementasi, Life360, Pengawasan, Pelaksanaan Patroli, Pencegahan Tindak Pidana


The background of this research is the increasing number of crime that happened in Cirebon City in the last 3 years, In accordance with the main task of the Sabhara Unit, which is to carry out the preventive action against violations of the law and kamtibmas disruption are carried out with one of its activities which is patroli. Patrol is carried out to take the crime prevention action, but the patrol must be carried out appropriately so that the objectives of the patrol can be fulfilled, so supervision of patrolling must done properly as well. The development of existing technology can assist the leader in supervising the patrol in the form of application, namely Life360. Based on this background, a study was conducted with the aim of knowing how the Implementation of the Life360 Application as a media to supervise the patrols in preventing criminal offenses in the Cirebon Cirebon area. This research in using a qualitative research approach with a focus on supervising patrol implementation research with Life360 Application. Furthermore, to obtain data, researchers used primary data sources obtained by interview and observation as well and researchers uses secondary sources to obtained information through document review. Then the research results got analyzed with Information Technology Theory, Crime Prevention Theory, Life360 Concept, Sabhara Concept, Patrol Concept, Supervision Concept and Organizational Resource Concepts conclude that the implementation of Life360 application still needs to be improved and its understanding towards patrol officers so this application can be useful for patrolling. Based on the results of the research, it was suggested to the Sabhara Unit to further implement several crime prevention approaches which explain Susan Geason in conducting patrols. Therefore, to maximize the application of Life360 application requires some more internal factor support, so that the increase in the number of quantity and quality will increase and also an increase in the amount of the budget, the socialization of technology and also facilities and infrastructure to members of the Patrol Unit is still very much needed so that the implementation of the patrol can run well.


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How to Cite
Barizi, Kaisan. 2024. “Implementation of the Life360 Application As a Monitoring Tool for Patrols to Prevent Crime in the Cirebon City Police Jurisdiction”. Advances in Police Science Research Journal 1 (12).