Optimization of the Safety Riding Program by the Education and Training Unit of Bogor City Police to Reduce Traffic Violations Among High School Students

  • Dimas Eri Prabowo akpol
Keywords: dimas eri


The background of this research is the increase in traffic violations in the last three years. Of these figures students ranked second in the highest number of violations after private employees. This must be taken seriously because students who are still young must have adherence to existing regulations. In this case the Police has the main task in fostering the community to increase community participation, legal awareness of the community, as well as community adherence to laws and regulations. The purpose of this study was to obtain an overview of Dikyasa Units in implementing Safety Riding of high school students, identifying the factors that influence Dikyasa Units in carrying out Dikmas Lantas programs on high school students in the jurisdiction of Sukabumi City Police. As an analysis review to discuss this research, researchers used several concept theories, namely management theory, SWOT analysis theory, communication theory, traffic concepts, traffic accident concepts. In this study using qualitative methods and the methods used are field research and data collection techniques by interviewing, observing, and studying documents. The results of this study there are internal and external factors that influence it. According to the author there are a number of things that must be done including, (1) involving personnel in training, (2) improving the organization of personnel in traffic units, (3) making innovations in the implementation of the Lantas Dikmas, (4) increasing socialization to the public and related agencies regarding the importance of safety in traffic. Traffic violations in the last 3 years have always increased, students rank second. This is because the awareness to obey the rules in traffic is still lacking. In the implementation of the Dikmas Lantas it has not yet been implemented to the fullest.


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How to Cite
Prabowo, Dimas Eri. 2024. “Optimization of the Safety Riding Program by the Education and Training Unit of Bogor City Police to Reduce Traffic Violations Among High School Students”. Advances in Police Science Research Journal 1 (10). https://doi.org/10.70526/apsrj.v1i10.271.