Implementation of the 'Police Goes to School' Program to Reduce Traffic Accident Rates Among Students by the Dikyasa Unit of Tasikmalaya Police Department

Keywords: Kata Kunci: Pelaksanaan, Pelanggaran lalu lintas, dan Unitdikyasa


This research is motivated by the high violations of student traffic in Tasikmalaya Regency. Student traffic violations are caused by lack of knowledge and understanding of the rules and ethics in driving properly. Efforts made to prevent student traffic violations are focused on pre-emptive efforts. This is intended to foster student awareness of not committing traffic violations. Therefore, a study was conducted which aimed to find out the description of the "Police Goes to School" program by Unitdikyasa and the factors that influence the program. This research is discussed by using concepts and theories as a knife of analysis, namely using the concept of effort, the concept of Dikmaslantas, management theory, and communication theory. This research was conducted with a qualitative approach, using field research methods, as well as data collection techniques by interviewing, observing, and studying documents. The results found that the student traffic accident was high. The "Police Goes to School" program by Unitdikyasa in preventing student traffic accidents analyzed using management theory is to be a ceremonial coach, carrying out counseling activities is still not optimal because of the high student traffic violations. The ability of Unitdikyasa personnel viewed from the concept of teaching and learning strategies and communication theory is not optimal. There are several factors that influence, inhibiting factors are human resources, budget, time and place, attention and support of students and schools, regulations on the Dikmaslantas, while supporting factors are cross-sectoral cooperation. Based on the results of the study, various efforts have been carried out in preventing violations of student traffic. The author recommends increasing the number of personnel and providing vocational education (Dikjur), increasing the amount of the budget in order to support the implementation of the Dikmaslantas, adding Sarpras, the need for innovations in these activities for example by making report cards and then to encourage student compliance with applicable traffic regulations.


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How to Cite
Afan, Mohamad Harapansyah. 2024. “Implementation of the ’Police Goes to School’ Program to Reduce Traffic Accident Rates Among Students by the Dikyasa Unit of Tasikmalaya Police Department”. Advances in Police Science Research Journal 3 (7).