Role of Bhabinkamtibmas in Preventing Vehicle Theft with Siskamling Coaching in the Jurisdiction of Polsek Lembang

  • Muhammad Ilham Tawakkal Akademi Kepolisian Republik Indonesia
Keywords: Peran, Bhabinkamtibmas, Curanmor, Siskamling


Research of background is high crime rates of vehicle theft that happened. it became the focus of law enforcers to in preventing security and social disorder that can make public unrest. Efforts that can make security and social order must have preventive action, so become the spearhead of Bhabinkamtibmas that are basic police element and the closest to public. One of Bhabinkamtibmas effort is through siskamling coaching. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to know the role of bhabinkamtibmas in preventing vehicle theft with siskamling coaching and factors that influence in preventing vehicle theft through siskamling coaching. The focus of this research is on role of bhabinkamtibmas in preventing vehicle theft through siskamling coacing in jurisdiction of polsek lembang. Theories and concepts are role theory, crime prevention theory, management theory, vehicle theft concept, bhabinkamtibmas concept, siskamling concept, implementation of binluh concept, and police science concept. This research use qualitative method. Data collection technique with interview, observation and document study that analysis with data reduction, data serve and verification. The location of this research is in polsek lembang, with the results shows that role of bhabinkamtibmas in siskamling coaching is on the track. But, there are still obstacles from inside or outside. Obstacle from inside are human resources, money, machines, coaching methods, and materials that delivered. Meanwhile, obstacle from outside are lack in cooperation with another institution and public misunderstanding. Based on the result of this research, the conclusion showed that role of bhabinkamtibmas is influence by lack of human resources quality, lack of money, incomplete machines, and people misunderstanding about the materials.


How to Cite
Tawakkal, Muhammad Ilham. 2024. “Role of Bhabinkamtibmas in Preventing Vehicle Theft With Siskamling Coaching in the Jurisdiction of Polsek Lembang”. Advances in Police Science Research Journal 3 (2).