Deradicalization Efforts as an Effort to Prevent Criminal Acts of Terrorism by the Intelligence and Security Unit in the Legal Area of ​​the Majalengka Police

Keywords: Deradikalisasi, Pencegahan, Terorisme, Satuan Intelkam


Since the last few years terrorist acts have been rife in Indonesia. This conclusion based on mergence that aims to spread a sense of terror or fear in ways that use violence. Several networks and big names emerged from West Java and especially Majalengka, JAD, JAS and HTI. One option that becomes the main choice in the prevention of terrorism is deradicalization. This research was conducted with a qualitative approach, using descriptive analysis research methods and data collection techniques with interviews, observations and document studies. This research uses management theory, management elements theory, effort concept, radicalism concept, deradicalization concept and intelligence concept. The development of radical understanding was analyzed by the concept of radicalism originating from the DI / NII movement in 1960 which ended in the emergence of JAD, JAS and Garis groups. Deradicalisation efforts are analyzed by management theory divided into several stages, namely planning, organizing, staffing, motivating and controlling. Factors affecting deradicalisation efforts are analyzed by the theory of management elements that analyze the factors man, money, method, material and machine. The conclusion is that the factors that influence the process of deradicalization are the competence of member personnel, the method of de-radicalization of the soft approach used, the availability of facilities and infrastructure and the necessity of establishing FKPT (Terrorism Prevention Communication Forum) as a forum for agencies related to terrorist prevention to exchange information and plan strategic policies in efforts to prevent terrorism.


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How to Cite
Simatupang, Kevin Timothy. 2024. “Deradicalization Efforts As an Effort to Prevent Criminal Acts of Terrorism by the Intelligence and Security Unit in the Legal Area of ​​the Majalengka Police”. Advances in Police Science Research Journal 3 (1).