Redesign of Narcotics Abuse Handling by Narcotics Unit to Actualize Law Enforcer Justice in Pemalang Polres Jurisdiction

  • Andre Satya Dharma Akademi Kepolisian Republik Indonesia
Keywords: Narcotics, Handling Redesign, Justice


Narcotics is one of the issues that continues to develop in the world and has become a problem in several countries that have an impact on the next generation of the nation. The misuse of narcotics has increased every year, indicating that the production and use of narcotics have become a problem that must be addressed by the state. Cases of narcotics abuse in Polres Pemalang are always handled with repressive efforts by Polres Pemalang, but these repressive efforts are considered ineffective in addressing cases of narcotics abuse. Therefore, a redesign of the handling of narcotics abuse cases is needed in accordance with Article 54 of Law No. 35 of 2009 regarding narcotics and SEMA No. 4 of 2010. The Indonesian National Police (Polri) as law enforcement officials must pay attention to the aspect of justice in enforcing the law so that the law can maintain public order and tranquility. The purpose of this research is to provide a design for a mechanism for handling narcotics abuse cases that prioritizes rehabilitation efforts rather than repressive efforts, so that it can realize justice in law enforcement. From this research, the result is that the perpetrators of narcotics abuse will be punished so that it can have a deterrent effect. Beside that the perpetrators will receive rehabilitation to improve the condition of the perpetrators of narcotics abuse. This research is a qualitative study with a case study approach, with data collected through interviews, document studies, observations, and focus group discussions (FGD) with several sources in Polres Pemalang. This is in line with one of the programs of the Indonesian National Police, which is transparency and justice through the design of handling narcotics abuse cases that prioritize rehabilitation.


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How to Cite
Dharma, Andre Satya. 2024. “Redesign of Narcotics Abuse Handling by Narcotics Unit to Actualize Law Enforcer Justice in Pemalang Polres Jurisdiction”. Advances in Police Science Research Journal 3 (12).