Optimization of Driver’s License Drive-Thru Satlantas Polrestabes Semarang Program to Improve Public Services in the Field of Traffic

  • Esterperonika Hutahaean Akpol
Keywords: AKPOL


The author's Final Project raises the issue of "How driver’s license Drive Thru traffic police unit Polrestabes Semarang program improve public services in the field of traffic?". This Final Project aims to identify how organizational resources are in the driver’s license Drive Thru traffic police unit Polrestabes Semarang program and identify how the driver’s license Drive Thru traffic police unit Polrestabes Semarang program is implemented. This research uses a qualitative approach with the type of field research by conducting observations, interviewing resource persons and document studies. In addition, the data used is also obtained from document and report data. This research uses resource management theory and function management theory as well as the concepts of legislation and the concept of the drive thru itself. The focus of this research is related to the implementation of the driver’s license drive thru Program to improve public services in the field of traffic in Semarang City. The driver’s license Drive Thru traffic police unit Polrestabes Semarang program is a new innovation in Semarang City that aims to provide a choice of driver’s license renewal services practically and efficiently. The services carried out in accordance with the Chief of Police of the Republic of Indonesia regulation and work procedures. But in this case, the lack of educational competence of some members as operators, both vocational education and specialty education. The lack of facilities and infrastructure for driver’s license drive thru services also hinders the process of driving thru driver’s license services in providing driver’s license renewal services on a drive thru basis so that its implementation is not optimal. Efforts are needed to improve the competence of traffic police unit Polrestabes Semarang personnel and hold training independently, especially communication issues and the use of technology. In addition to being useful for the smooth innovation of driver’s license renewal services, it can also be useful as a supervisor for the Semarang Police traffic police unit in providing driver’s license renewal services.


How to Cite
Hutahaean, Esterperonika. 2024. “Optimization of Driver’s License Drive-Thru Satlantas Polrestabes Semarang Program to Improve Public Services in the Field of Traffic”. Advances in Police Science Research Journal 3 (12). https://doi.org/10.70526/apsrj.v3i12.591.