Optimization of Community Traffic Education by Security and Safety Unit in Increasing Traffic Awareness at Grobogan Police

  • Muhammad Rizaldi Maulana Saragih AKADEMI KEPOLISIAN
Keywords: Dikmas Lantas, Unit Kamsel, Tertib berlalu lintas


The level of awareness of orderly cross-community traffic in the legal area of the Grobogan resort is still low. This is indicated by the still high number of traffic violations in the legal area of the Grobogan resort in the last two years. The purpose of the research is to provide an overview regarding how to optimize community traffic education by the KamseI Unit in increasing awareness of orderly traffic in the Grobogan resort. The analytical knife used is management theory, SWOT theory, optimization concepts, community traffic education concept, and orderly traffic concept. This research used a descriptive approach. Data collection techniques that are used in this research are interviews, observation, and document study. The results of the study found that there were several deficiencies in the implementation of community traffic education by the KamseI Unit, especially in the resources owned and the management stages of Dikmas Then which had not been implemented optimally. The suggestions that the researchers put forward are the first to optimize the use of social media, the remaining budget to make banners, the Forum Group Discussion approach in socialization, and the use of laptops and mini projectors in socialization. The second is to re-create the annual community traffic education program, equalize the competency of Kamsel Unit personnel, implement a reward and punishment system, and carry out weekly evaluations of community traffic education on a regular basis.


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How to Cite
Saragih, Muhammad Rizaldi Maulana. 2024. “Optimization of Community Traffic Education by Security and Safety Unit in Increasing Traffic Awareness at Grobogan Police”. Advances in Police Science Research Journal 3 (11). https://doi.org/10.70526/apsrj.v3i11.601.