Efforts to Increase the Performance of the Turjawali Satsamapta Patrol Unit in Preventing Burglary at the Magelang Police Resort

  • Clinton Simanjuntak TARUNA
Keywords: Kata Kunci : Patroli, Unit Turjawali, satsamapta, pencurian dengan pemberatan, upaya, kinerja, Keywords: Patrol, Turjawali Unit, satsamapta, aggravated theft, effort, performanc


The author raised the final project with the problem of "Efforts to Improve the Performance of Patrol Unit Turjawali Satsamapta in Preventing theft with aggravation at Magelang Police Station." The purpose of writing this final project is to find out the implementation of patrol unit of Turjawali Satsamapta Polresta Magelang and to find ways to improve the performance of patrol unit of Turjawali Satsampta Polresta Magelang in preventing aggravated theft. Qualitative approach is used in this research and Field research as the type of research. Interviews, observations and document studies were conducted by the author to fulfill the required data. Apart from these three things, the author also uses various references such as artics, journal books, and online media news that are relevant to the variables discussed to obtain data. To fulfill the research objectives, the author used management theory, swot theory, and competency theory. In addition to theory, several concepts are used to complement the discussion, namely the concept of performance, the concept of patrol based on Perkabaharkam Number 1 of 2017 concerning Patrols, the concept of effort, and the concept of aggravated theft. Patrol activities of Satsampata Polresta Magelang have an important role in preventing aggravated theft in Magelang District. Several things were found in the planning, organizing, implementing, and monitoring funds that were not in accordance with the Patrol SOP stipulated in Perkabaharkam No. 1 of 2017 concerning patrols. The author also found factors affecting the patrol of Turjawali Unit of Satsamapta Polresta Magelang, both internally and externally. Therefore, the author sees the need for several breakthroughs to improve the performance of Turjawali Satsamapta Polresta Unit patrols in preventing aggravated theft in Magelang District.


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Sumber Skripsi Terdahulu
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How to Cite
Simanjuntak, Clinton. 2024. “Efforts to Increase the Performance of the Turjawali Satsamapta Patrol Unit in Preventing Burglary at the Magelang Police Resort”. Advances in Police Science Research Journal 5 (2). https://doi.org/10.70526/apsrj.v5i2.821.