Optimizing the Role of Satintelkam Performance in the Framework of Early Detection to Prevent Drug Abuse at Polrestabes Semarang

  • Bangkit Prasetyo Akademi Kepolisian
Keywords: Early detection, Performance of Satintelkam, Drugs.


The focus of research in this final project is optimizing the performance role of Satintelkam in early detection to prevent drug abuse at Polrestabes Semarang. This research is considered important to do because the rate of drug abuse always increases every year. Therefore, the Satintelkam Polrestabes Semarang seeks to optimize the performance role of the Satintelkam in early detection so that work can be carried out in accordance with Perkab No. 1 of 2013 concerning the investigation of the Police Intelligence Agency. The research method used is a qualitative method with descriptive analysis to process data and field research to obtain data directly. The data source used is primary data with 14 research respondents and secondary data. Data analysis in this study used data triangulation in the form of source triangulation and technical triangulation. The results of the research findings are: (1) Early detection carried out by personnel of the Satintelkam Polrestabes Semarang has not been carried out optimally according to Perkabik No. 1 of 2013 concerning intelligence investigations; (2) The investigation method used needs to be adjusted to the target market and the conditions, time, border and place of early detection; (3) The implementation of early detection in the field is influenced by several faktors, namely: (a) lack of personnel; (b) lack of facilities and infrastructure; (c) lack of coordination between agencies; (d) network disconnection; and (e) the size of the territory. The conclusions of this study: (1) Satintelkam's performance is not optimal; (2) the method of investigation and preparation of reports needs to be reviewed; (3) many faktors that affect the role of satintelkam performance are not optimal.


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How to Cite
Prasetyo, Bangkit. 2024. “Optimizing the Role of Satintelkam Performance in the Framework of Early Detection to Prevent Drug Abuse at Polrestabes Semarang”. Advances in Police Science Research Journal 4 (10). https://doi.org/10.70526/apsrj.v4i10.891.