Optimization of the Samapta Patrol Unit in Preventing the Crime of Theft by Ballast at the Pati Police Station

  • Marzuki Joshua Marpaung Akademi Kepolisian Republik Indonesia
Keywords: Optimalisasi, Samapta, Patroli, Curat


The writing of this thesis is due to the large number of news related to criminal acts of theft by weighting at the Pati Police for less than three years. By always establishing preventive methods, through the Samapta Patrol Unit in making prevention efforts related to the crime of theft by weighting at the Pati Police by carrying out patrol activities to prevent the emergence of intentions and opportunities to commit crimes. The purpose of this writing is to describe and analyze the implementation of the Patrol Unit of the Samapta Polresta Pati Police in preventing the crime of theft by weighting. As an analytical tool, the author uses several concepts and theories, namely: the concept of Optimization, the concept of Patrol, the concept of weighted theft, management theory and 6M theory. With research jurisdiction in Polresta Pati. This research was conducted using a qualitative approach, using field research, as well as data collection techniques by observation, interviews, and document studies. The results of this study, the authors found the fact that in carrying out Satsamapta patrols at Polresta Pati there were still obstacles in inadequate personnel competence, disproportionate schedule arrangements due to a shortage of personnel and their implementation was not in accordance with applicable regulations so that in preventing the patrol unit of the Samapta Polresta Pati Police in preventing theft by weighting it has not been maximized. The conclusion from this study is that the optimization carried out by Satsamapta through patrols is considered not optimal and there are several obstacles. The author provides input so that in carrying out Satsamapta Polresta Patrol Pati and conducting internal training by the Polresta for members to improve the competence of members and implementing the Timestamp application and reporting by means of WA and Gform during patrols. then the efforts made can be maximized by socializing Perkabaharkam number 1 of 2017 concerning patrols to the Satsamapta Polresta Pati and coordinating with the sat samapta patrol unit of the police ranks in the jurisdiction of the Pati Police.


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How to Cite
Marpaung, Marzuki Joshua. 2024. “Optimization of the Samapta Patrol Unit in Preventing the Crime of Theft by Ballast at the Pati Police Station”. Advances in Police Science Research Journal 4 (6). https://doi.org/10.70526/apsrj.v4i6.962.