in Police Science Research Journal2025-05-21T00:00:00+07:00Ridwan Journal Systems<p style="text-align: justify;">Advances in Police Science Research Journal (<em>Adv. Police Stud. Research J.</em>) (ISSN Online <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2722-4872</a> ISSN Print <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2722-4864</a>) merupakan jurnal <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>double blind peer-reviewed journal</strong></span> yang terbit tiap bulan, diterbitkan oleh Akademi Kepolisian Indonesia. Jurnal ini memuat artikel-artikel hasil penelitian berkaitan dengan kajian ilmu kepolisian dalam berbagai perspektif, baik sosial, hukum, kebudayaan, politik, ekonomi, teknologi, maupun pertahanan dan keamanan. Jurnal ini bertujuan menjadi wadah bagi para peneliti, akademisi, mahasiswa, pemangku kebijakan, dan masyarakat dalam memberikan masukan bagi pengembangan studi ilmu kepolisian di Indonesia dan dalam konteks global.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Advances in the Police Science Research Journal (<em>Adv. Police Stud. Research J.</em>) (ISSN Online <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2722-4872</a> ISSN Print <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2722-4864</a>) is a <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>double-blind peer-reviewed journal,</strong></span> published monthly, published by the Indonesian National Police Academy. This journal contains research articles relating to the study of police science in various perspectives, both social, legal, cultural, political, economic, technological, as well as defense and security. This journal aims to be a forum for researchers, academics, students, policy makers, and the public to provide input for the development of police science studies in Indonesia and in a global context.</p> Role of BHABINKAMTIBMAS in Preventing Aggravated Theft Crimes in the Jurisdiction of Purwakarta Police2024-09-10T19:51:44+07:00Adhi<p>The background of this research is the high level of theft by weighting crime in the region of Purwakarta. One of the prevention efforts from Indonesian National Police on taking action of this condition is through Bhabinkamtibmas. The purpose of this thesis is to (1) identificate the role of Bhabinkamtibmas in preventing theft by weighting (2) identificate factors that effect the role of Bhabinkamtibmas in preventing theft by weighting. This thesis use 2 theories which consist of communication theory and management theory. Author use four concept which consist of role concept, crime prevention concept, bhabinkamtibmas concept and theft by weighting concept. This research use qualitative approach with analysis descriptive method. The type of research is field research which focuses on the location which is Purwakarta. The technique to collect data is to by doing interviews and observation. The source of data comes from primary source and secondary source. The result from this research is that theft by weighting in Purwarakta is fluctuative with many kinds of modus. Bhabinkamtibmas have the role to prevent and the factor that effects in preventing theft by weighting. The conclusion of this research is that based on the discovery of this research, there’s a lack of personnel of Bhabinkamtibmas in giving counseling, also there’s a lot of personnel that haven’t take courses or education, lack of quality of the personnel, lack of equipment. Factor of the relationship between Bhabinkamtibmas and the society to maintain public safety so the society have synergy with Bhabinkamtibmas in keeping public safey to prevent theft by weighting. The suggestion that the author can give is to enhance the capability of the personnel by taking courses, resolving the lack of personnel in Unit Binmas, fixing the system of human resources, fulfilling equipment especially transportation, giving materials that’s updated to the current condition of the society by using social media.</p>2024-09-10T19:51:44+07:00Copyright (c) Role of the DIKYASA Unit of Bandung Metropolitan Police in Reducing Traffic Violations Among Students Through the "Police Goes to School" Program2024-09-10T19:54:21+07:00Bisma Wira<p>The background to this problem arises because of increased traffic violations among students in the Bandung City area. Therefore, the role of the unit in providing community education and then through the Police Goes To School program is very important to reduce the occurrence of traffic violations committed by students in the Bandung police jurisdiction. The purpose of this study is to want to know the role of units in Bandung police service through the Police Goes To School program in reducing traffic violations among students, want to find out the factors that influence the implementation of community education and then through the Police Goes To School program in Bandung police in reducing past violations traffic to students, and want to find out how to increase the role of the Bandung police polytechnic unit in reducing traffic violations among students through the Police Goes To School program. This research was conducted with a qualitative approach that seeks to obtain a picture of a phenomenon in more depth by using field research methods and data collection techniques by interviewing, observing, and using document studies. In this study also uses management theory and communication theory as a knife in analyzing the problems that occur in the field. The results showed that the implementation of the Police Goes To School program for students at Bandung police station was in accordance with the plan, but the plan was not effective enough because the method used was in the form of counseling to schools that only received an average visit once in five months. And there are obstacles in the form of quantity and quality of personnel as well as inadequate budget and infrastructure. As for suggestions from researchers, Bandung police can provide vocational education and then to its members, increase counseling schedules to schools, provide counseling not only for students but also for students' parents, and participate in working with related institutions such as the education office.</p>2024-09-10T19:54:21+07:00Copyright (c) Role of the Traffic Control and Patrol Unit (Turjawali) of Bogor Police Traffic Department in Easing Congestion on the Puncak Route2024-09-10T19:56:06+07:00Arsyad Daiva<p>This research is in the background because it stays in the existing traffic jam at Puncak from the Bogor Police Traffic Turjawali Unit to prevent traffic congestion. with the existence of distancing by guarding the point prone to congestion, but this has not shown the expected results. Therefore, a study was carried out aimed at summarizing the congestion that occurred at the Peak, the efforts undertaken by the Bogor Police Traffic Unit Turjawali Unit in unraveling congestion in the Peak Lane, and what factors were used by the Turjawali Unit to unravel traffic jams . This study, using qualitative research, took data from interviews, observations, and documentation studies. The results of the study were found after being analyzed using the concept of struggle and the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) efforts made by the Bogor Police Traffic Turjawali Unit were appropriate, discussed analyzed with management theory for technical organizing, still far from expectations due to support from the Turjawali Unit. Analyzing using the theory of traffic congestion also found that the obstacle was in human resources, namely the ability of the Turjawali Unit because it had not yet supported competency development education. Based on the results of the study, the author discusses the need to improve the quality of the members of the Turjawali Unit by including the members of the turjawali unit for the implementation of development education in accordance with their duties, after that form a task force that is enhanced with the help of institutions, such as the transportation service and the service. hope to achieve the highest level in the Peak Track.</p>2024-09-10T19:56:06+07:00Copyright (c) Implementation of the GPS System by the Traffic Police (Satlantas) in Preventing Phantom Traffic Jams in the Jurisdiction of Kuningan Police During Holiday Seasons2024-09-10T20:00:13+07:00William Davie Hamonangan<p>This research is motivated by traffic problems that occur in almost every city and district, namely traffic jams. The congestion raised in this study is the phantom traffic jam phenomenon, or congestion without significant cause. In dealing with this phenomenon, it is necessary to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of Satlantas in carrying out their duties. One of the efforts made is to utilize technology, as planned by the National Police Traffic Police Grand Design. Unfortunately this cannot be fully realized, so it must utilize technology by Satlantas, which is discussed in this study is the existing GPS system to overcome the problem of phantom traffic hours. This study uses a qualitative approach conducted in the Kuningan District Police area using secondary, tertiary and primary data sources. Data collection techniques used were interviews, observation, document studies, experiments, and comparative methods. Data analysis is performed by data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing stages. To discuss the problems in this thesis using the knife analysis of Traffic Flow theory, Driving Behavior theory, the concept of implementation, the concept of Intelligent Transportation System, the concept of traffic management, the concept of Future Traffic Management, the concept of GPS working system with the Intelligent Transportation System, the concept of Phantom Traffic Jam, the concept Traffic Police task. The results showed that phantom hour traffic occurred in Kuningan District due to various factors. These factors include the lack of information systems and the effectiveness and efficiency of traffic management by the Kuningan Police Traffic Police. The implementation of the GPS System by Satlantas functions in preventing and handling phantom hour traffic that occurs in Kuningan Regency. Implementation mechanism also improves efficiency and effectiveness in implementing Satlantas tasks and receiving information by motor vehicle users. Suggestions from this research are the need for socialization and training in the use of GPS systems for Satlantas, the need for socialization with the community so that the GPS system has a wider reach, cooperation between Korlantas Polri and GPS system companies to be more useful, the creation of a GPS system specifically for the National Police.</p>2024-09-10T20:00:12+07:00Copyright (c) to Address Online Fraud Crimes by the Criminal Investigation Unit (Satreskrim) of Ciamis Police2024-09-10T20:05:14+07:00Adji Rizky<p>Motivated by a drastically incrase in online fraud cases without a balanced of good settlement. Indonesia is facing the digital era, where technology and information has started taking part from conventional method and giving new eases in daily life. Even some crimes always look for a way to grow. Indonesian National Police has the duty to enforce the law, maintain security and create order in society. In this case, Unit 2 Tipiter Satreskim Polres Ciamis holds the mandate to handle cyber crimes. Observant uses qualitative approaches with observation method and semi-structured interview to obtain in-depth information. Observations were made in Kabupaten Ciamis. As for the analysis in this observation uses interview outcomes, documents study, observation outcomes and documentations that were obtained from relevant sources, using theory of Functions of Management by Harold Koontz and O’Donnell and elements of management. Observation outcomes show that fraud rates continue to increase without a balanced of settlement enhancement. Toward elements of management, related to efforts that have been done by Satreskim Polres Ciamis in order to handle criminal act of online fraud in Polres Ciamis jurisdiction, Satreskim Polres Ciamis lacks of qualified personnel, and lacks of budget support and adequate apparatus to carry out an investigation. Therefore in order to handle Satreskim requires a qualified and support of proper apparatus hardware and software and formation of cyber unit in Polres Ciamis.</p>2024-09-10T20:05:14+07:00Copyright (c)