Performance Optimization of the Samapta Unit in Preventing the Crime of Theft with Burning at Karanganyar Police

  • Dendy Kohar Muda Siregar AKADEMI KEPOLISIAN
Keywords: Keywords: Optimization, Patrol Unit Samapta, Prevention, Theft by weighting


The high number of aggravated theft crimes in the Karanganyar district area where in the last 2 years this curfew crime case ranks first in crime cases that occurred in the Karanganyar area. crime of theft by weighting both in terms of organizational resources and implementation management owned by the Patrol Unit of the Karanganyar Police Samapta Unit This writing was carried out using a qualitative approach method, with a focus on research on the performance of the Sampta Patrol Unit in preventing criminal acts of curing. Then several data collection techniques were used in this writing, namely by interview, observation, and document study techniques. triangulation technique while To analyze the data obtained the author uses data reduction techniques, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. This study uses theories and concepts relevant to the title, including management theory and swot as well as the concept of optimization of the patrol concept and the concept of prevention. From the findings obtained, it can be concluded that there are deficiencies including a lack of personnel, a lack of personnel who have competence according to standards, the provision of AAP which seems formality only, and implementation that is not in accordance with the provisions. Therefore, the steps to solving the problem that can be taken are involve members of the Dalmas platoon to carry out patrols and request assistance from the local police to carry out joint patrols. then carry out discussion forums to provide training to members who do not yet have competence, and optimize dialogic patrols where dialogic patrols provide opportunities for the public to communicate with officers to convey complaints community complaints so as to foster a sense of community sympathy to assist personnel in carrying out their duties.


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How to Cite
Siregar, D. K. M. (2024). Performance Optimization of the Samapta Unit in Preventing the Crime of Theft with Burning at Karanganyar Police. Indonesian Journal of Police Studies, 6(8).