Optimization of Diversion Application by Women and Children Protection Unit of Pati City Police Criminal Investigation to Resolve Criminal Acts and Protect Children’s Rights

  • Imanuel Rivaldo Goenslaes Akademi Kepolisian
Keywords: Polresta Pati, Penyidik, Penerapan Diversi, Anak


The act of crime that occurs in society is extremely various, starting from the crime subject, the objects which is targets of criminal acts, and also the vastly diverse criminal methods. The crime subjects nowadays aren’t limited by age, in fact the subject of some cases are children, where in general we know that children are in the early phase of growing and learning, not all environments give a positive effect on a childs growth some even plunge children unto criminal acts especially in Pati Regency. This research is done so the application process of diversion implemented by Women and Child Protection Unit of Pati City Police Crime Investigation in order to protect a childs rights alongside the competence of its investigators can be described and further developed. The description of the problem within this research is done using qualitative approach with the descriptive analysis method. The Law Enforcement Theory of SWOT Analysis and concept used in this research is an analysis knife used to describe the formulation of the problem. The practice of diversion by Women and Children Protection Unit of Pati City Police Crime Investigation is already suitable with the current conditions, starting from preparations, execution, and post-execution. Starting from confirming if the formal conditions of diversion is fulfilled, coordination with institutions involved in diversion, to deciding if the diversion reachs an agreement or not. So there has been found a solution to the problem at hand, which is opening a Forum Group Discussion (FGD) to develop the knowledge and skill of investigators while actively coordinating with involved institutions about the diversion case to maintain time efficiency


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How to Cite
Goenslaes, I. R. (2024). Optimization of Diversion Application by Women and Children Protection Unit of Pati City Police Criminal Investigation to Resolve Criminal Acts and Protect Children’s Rights. Indonesian Journal of Police Studies, 7(11). https://doi.org/10.70526/ijps.v7i11.1127