Performance of the Satreskrim Pidum Unit in Criminal Investigations of Theft in the Jurisdiction of the Blitar City Police

  • Muhammad Hasbi Al-Kautsar Akademi Kepolisian Republik Indonesia
Keywords: Penyelidikan, Curanmor


The crime of motor vehicle theft (Curanmor) is a conventional crime which has quite high crime rates on a national and local scale. In 2022, cases of criminal acts of theft in the Blitar City Police jurisdiction will increase by up to 40%. However, the number of existing cases cannot be resolved properly every year. The number of crime clearances is less than the number of reported cases. The research objective of this final assignment is to describe performance, find obstacles, and find efforts to improve the performance of the Satreskrim General Crimes Unit in investigating criminal acts of theft in the jurisdiction of the Blitar City Police. This research uses a qualitative approach which is descriptive analysis. This is so that the research process is in accordance with the facts that occur in the field. As a result of this research, the author concludes that the performance of the Criminal Investigation Unit is influenced by the ability, motivation and opportunities they have in completing criminal acts. The obstacles faced are tracking activities due to lack of guidance and lack of facilities and infrastructure. Efforts that can be made to improve the performance of the Pidum Unit are to carry out self-development through vocational education and special training and always carry out analysis and evaluation on every activity.


How to Cite
Al-Kautsar, M. H. (2024). Performance of the Satreskrim Pidum Unit in Criminal Investigations of Theft in the Jurisdiction of the Blitar City Police. Indonesian Journal of Police Studies, 8(6).