Optimization of the Investigation of the Crime of Motor Vehicle Theft by the Tipidum Unit to Improve Crime Clearance at Jombang Police

  • Alwan Dimas Saputra Akademi Kepolisian Republik Indonesia
Keywords: CURANMOR


One of the criminal cases that often occurs in Indonesia is cases of theft. This case has increased in the Jombang Police jurisdiction in 2020-2022. In this case, the police play a role in investigating criminal acts. This research aims to optimize the investigation of criminal acts of theft by the tipidum unit in order to increase crime clearance at the Jombang Police. There are two theories that can be used, namely POAC management theory and SWOT analysis theory. In POAC management theory, the planning and control processes have been implemented, but there are several things that can be improved in the investigation of criminal acts of theft by the Jombang Police tipidum unit. According to the SWOT analysis theory, strengths and opportunities can be obtained that can increase the optimization of investigations into criminal acts of theft cases, as well as weaknesses and obstacles that must be overcome in order to optimize this. This research uses POAC and SWOT management theories to optimize investigations into criminal acts of theft by the Jombang Police tipidum unit.


How to Cite
Saputra, A. D. (2024). Optimization of the Investigation of the Crime of Motor Vehicle Theft by the Tipidum Unit to Improve Crime Clearance at Jombang Police. Indonesian Journal of Police Studies, 8(8). https://doi.org/10.70526/ijps.v8i8.1376