The Effectiveness of Precision Pioneer Patrol in Preventing Criminal Acts of Motor Vehicle Theft in the Gresik Polres Jurisdiction

  • Hanif Aqiel Rastoma
Keywords: Effectiveness, Precision Pioneer Patrol, Motor Vehicle Theft


Motor vehicle theft in the jurisdiction of Gresik Police Resort is a serious problem due to fluctuating case numbers. This study evaluates the Effectiveness of Precision Pioneer Patrols in preventing such criminal acts. Employing a qualitative approach and utilizing observation, interviews, and document analysis techniques, the research identifies factors influencing the success of patrols, including personnel shortage, fuel limitations, stakeholder support, and population density and area. The findings indicate that patrol implementation is not yet effective due to various constraints, highlighting the need for improved coordination and resource allocation to enhance the effectiveness of motor vehicle theft prevention efforts in the area.


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How to Cite
Rastoma, H. A. (2024). The Effectiveness of Precision Pioneer Patrol in Preventing Criminal Acts of Motor Vehicle Theft in the Gresik Polres Jurisdiction. Indonesian Journal of Police Studies, 8(8).