Dikmas Then Uses a Scan of the Holy Polres QR Code

  • Kohar Azhari Akademi Kepolisian


This research is motivated by the increasing traffic accidents in Kudus Regency. The unit is responsible for preemptive action by educating the community about safe riding to reduce traffic accidents. This study aims to optimize the implementation of traffic education by the Security and Safety Unit of the Kudus Police to minimize traffic accidents. This qualitative research collected data through observation, interviews, and document study. The theories used are Management Theory and SWOT Analysis Theory. Using the principles of Management Theory, the study identifies various challenges faced by the Security and Safety Unit, such as a shortage of personnel, delayed fund disbursement, lack of coordination with relevant agencies, inadequate facilities, and inappropriate implementation targets. In addition, the study finds that the working system of the Security and Safety Unit optimize due to insufficient planning, unclear organization, simple implementation of traffic education, and lack of supervision. The study recommends various solutions to address these challenges, including increasing personnel, improving internal and external coordination, requesting early fund disbursement, and using a corporate social responsibility system for procurement. Furthermore, the study suggests several measures to optimize the Security and Safety Unit's technical aspects, such as planning activities based on previous experiences, assigning tasks to members based on their abilities, updating traffic education materials, creating a guide for implementation, dividing tasks into zones, conducting surveys, and evaluating the program's effectiveness.


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How to Cite
Azhari, K. (2024). Dikmas Then Uses a Scan of the Holy Polres QR Code. Indonesian Journal of Police Studies, 6(4). https://doi.org/10.70526/ijps.v6i4.566