Optimization of Investigations Unit I Lamongan Guna Police Satreskrim Improving the Resolution of Criminal Theft Cases

  • Muhammad Nico Saputra Akademi Kepolisian Republik Indonesia
Keywords: Kinerja, Satreskrim, Polres Lamongan, Kompetensi, Metode Penyidikan


This research aims to optimize the performance of Unit I of the Criminal Investigation Unit (Satreskrim) of the Police Lamongan in carrying out investigations into criminal acts of motor vehicle theft (Curanmor). The research was conducted using descriptive-analytical methods and qualitative data analysis techniques through interviews, observations and document studies, as well as using management theory, competency theory, and SWOT analysis theory as an analysis tool. The research results show that the performance of Unit I The Lamongan Police Criminal Investigation Unit in carrying out investigations into criminal acts of theft is still not optimal, This can be seen from the low rate of case resolution and the high number of theft cases in the jurisdiction Lamongan Police. Based on the results of the analysis, this research concludes that there are several factors the causes of the low performance of Unit I Satreskrim Polres Lamongan, such as the implementation method carried out is not in accordance with the Perkap and Perkabareskrim which regulate investigations and lack of competence possessed by Unit I personnel of the Lamongan Police Criminal Investigation Unit. Therefore, This research provides several suggestions in order to optimize the performance of Unit I of the Police Criminal Investigation Unit Lamongan, namely carrying out investigation methods in accordance with Perkap and Perkabareskrim which regulates investigations and increases the competence of Unit I personnel Lamongan Police Criminal Investigation Unit. It is hoped that the results of this research can become a reference for the police to improve the performance of Unit I Satreskrim Polres Lamongan in carrying out investigations into criminal acts Theft.


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How to Cite
Saputra, M. N. (2024). Optimization of Investigations Unit I Lamongan Guna Police Satreskrim Improving the Resolution of Criminal Theft Cases. Police Studies Review, 8(12). https://doi.org/10.70526/psr.v8i12.1476