Implementation of Integrated Node Capture Attitude Record (Incar) in Minimizing Traffic Violations at Ngawi Police Station

  • Rahadyan Tino Fahbi F. Akademi Kepolisian Republik Indonesia
Keywords: Implementation, INCAR, Law Enforcement, Traffic Violators


The writing of this thesis is motivated by the number of traffic violations that increase every year both in Indonesia and in Ngawi Regency. In addition, the development of modern times requires the Police to develop IT-based service programs. Enforcement efforts from the police are in the form of providing evidence of violations (Tilang). Over time, the conversion of conventional tickets to electronic tickets in the form of INCAR has emerged. The author uses research literature and conceptual literature. Research sources used as references related to INCAR. The theories used are Implementation Theory and 6M Management Theory. And the concepts used are the concept of traffic violations, the concept of enforcement of traffic violations, the concept of public services and the concept of INCAR. Data were collected by observation, interview, and document study. The presentation uses data analysis techniques. The high number of traffic violations has led to the ineffective use of manual tickets. In the spirit of simplifying bureaucracy and improving police integrity, INCAR was implemented as a new procedure for handling traffic violations. However, there are still several obstacles that occur in the implementation of INCAR, ranging from the community, payment mechanisms, facilities, and also from the officers themselves. Socialization to the public, improving personnel performance, and improving facilities are evaluations for the Ngawi Police Traffic Unit for the implementation of INCAR in accordance with the applicable SOP.  


How to Cite
F. , R. T. F. (2024). Implementation of Integrated Node Capture Attitude Record (Incar) in Minimizing Traffic Violations at Ngawi Police Station. Police Studies Review, 9(2).