Optimization of Early Detection by Satintelkam Madiun Police to Prevent Fights Between Silat Colleges in Madiun

  • Sandy Chesar Ristanto Akademi Kepolisian Republik Indonesia
Keywords: O, deteksi dini, perguruan silat, optimalisasi, manajemen


Fights between silat schools in Madiun have become a problem that can disrupt security and public order and have attracted the attention of the leadership of the East Java Regional Police and the Madiun Police Chief. In this regard, the author considers it necessary to optimize early detection by the Madiun Police Satintelkam. The author uses management theory and SWOT analysis as research analysis tools. Apart from that, the author also uses the concepts of optimization, performance, prevention of martial arts school conflicts, and early detection. The research was carried out using qualitative methods which emphasize field studies (field research) to obtain data directly. Primary and secondary data sources use data triangulation to obtain data validity. The research findings show that the Madiun Police Satintelkam organizational resources are not in accordance with Perpol no. 2 of 2021 concerning SOTK at the Police level, both in terms of quality and quantity. This has an impact on the management of early detection implementation which is less than optimal, for example producing irregular information reports. The conclusions of this research are (1) the competency of human resources in the Madiun Police Intelligence and Security Unit is not yet adequate in preventing and handling conflicts between silat schools in Madiun, (2) the management of implementing early detection must be evaluated and adjusted to the National Police Headquarters Regulation No. 1 of 2023 concerning the Implementation of Security Intelligence Operations for the National Police of the Republic of Indonesia, (3) cooperation between units, especially with Bhabinkamtibmas is needed to help carry out early detection activities optimally. The suggestion from this research is the need for coordination carried out by Satintelkam with other units and institutions, as well as the public who can be trusted.


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How to Cite
Ristanto, S. C. (2024). Optimization of Early Detection by Satintelkam Madiun Police to Prevent Fights Between Silat Colleges in Madiun. Police Studies Review, 9(2). https://doi.org/10.70526/psr.v9i2.1596