Optimizing the Role of Bhabinkamtibmas Through Development and Counseling to the Community to Prevent the Crime of Theft of Two-Wheeled Motorized Vehicles

  • Guntur Hardyansyah Akademi Kepolisian Republik indonesia
Keywords: bhabinkamtibmas


The existence of social dynamics in society requires the National Police to take preventive measures against the emergence of criminal acts such as motor vehicle theft. Bhabinkamtibmas is the spearhead of the National Police in carrying out the function of coaching and counseling the community to provide understanding and education about the importance of environmental security and order. In order to suppress criminal acts of theft of two-wheeled motorized vehicles, the Ciajur Police has carried out community development and outreach efforts through Bhabinkamtibmas within the Polsek ranks. This thesis research is research with a qualitative approach. The type of research is descriptive analytical, with the data sources for this research being primary data sources and secondary data sources. Then, data collection techniques used observation, interviews and document study, with data testing using the triangulation technique. Data analysis uses data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of the research show that the community development and education activities carried out by the Cianjur Police through Bhabinkamtibmas in preventing criminal acts of theft of two-wheeled motorized vehicles have been running according to management stages, but obstacles are still found such as the lack of Bhabinkamtibmas personnel and qualifications in the Binluh field and low public attention to the importance of maintaining security and social order in the local environment. So optimization is needed in the implementation of Binluh Bhabinkamtibmas in the future.


bhabinkamtibmas, pembinaan dan penyuluhan kepada masyarakt, pencurian kendaraan bermotor
How to Cite
Hardyansyah, G. (2024). Optimizing the Role of Bhabinkamtibmas Through Development and Counseling to the Community to Prevent the Crime of Theft of Two-Wheeled Motorized Vehicles. Police Studies Review, 7(2). https://doi.org/10.70526/psr.v7i2.172