The Role of the Turjawali Traffic Patrol Unit in Suppressing Violations to Prevent Traffic Accidents

  • Hermawan Satrio Akademi Kepolisian Republik Indonesia
Keywords: Roles, Traffic Patrol, Unit Turjawali, Traffic Violations, Traffic Accident, Peran, patroli lalu lintas, unit Turjawali, pelanggaran lalu lintas, kecelakanaan lalu lintas.


The main focus of this research is based on the number of traffic accidents that still quite high which happens in Polres Majalengka region and it is caused due to unconsciousness or violations by society especially the road users. Hence, this research was conducted along with its objective to educate and giving explanation regarding the role of the traffic police patrol held by Turjawali Corps of Polres Majalengka, also to identify some factors that influence the implementation of traffic patrol. Theories and concepts used by author in answering problems are named with Role Theory by Biddle and Thomas, Lasswell's Communication Theory and Management Theory. This research was conducted using qualitative approach and descriptive analysis type of research. The research findings are concern with the implementation of traffic patrol that analyzed by Roles Theory. It shows that patrol implementation has achieved the optimal results, however it is not supported along with good quality of its personnel also the awareness of its society. Furthermore, the Communication Theory results shown that the communication abilities of its personnel are quite good but unfortunately it is kind of difficult to have the right communication tools to deliver the message which one becomes the factor of unnoticed message in society. All factors that influence the traffic patrol implementation are analyzed using Management Theory which show deficient results mentioned as follows, the personnel of Turjawali Corps of Polres Majalengka still have lack of abilities, number of personnel that does not fit as needed and does not comply its personnel standard, the delays in fund disbursement also lack in vehicle fuel funding, lack of personal equipment infrastructure, personal firearms, and vehicle equipment. Based on the results of the research, author suggests that traffic patrol should be implemented in Polres Majalengka along with a reminder to the driver in vital area so that the road users remain vigilant to obey the traffic rules and having back-to-back schedule in different time of patrol implementation, arrange a vocational education (Pendidikan Kejuruan) for Turjawali Corps Personnel also have the additional personnel for Turjawali Corps of Polres Majalengka


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How to Cite
Satrio, H. (2024). The Role of the Turjawali Traffic Patrol Unit in Suppressing Violations to Prevent Traffic Accidents. Police Studies Review, 6(2).